Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2011

The Vietnam War Resources

Vietnamese  FoodThere are numerous Vietnam War resources available for those wishing to find out more about this conflict. As with many of the 20th Century wars the majority of the information is now to be found on the internet. Often the details needed are available to anyone with an interest, and, more often than not, these are a free resource.



Vietnam War Resource Timeline

The Vietnam War resources include a detailed timeline which gives a chronological listing of all the major events both on, and off, the battlefield. From here there will be detailed accounts of the causes of the war, the diplomatic events, the military conflicts, and more.
There are numerous Vietnam War resources included in the American National Archives and the Library of Congress, as well as the Presidential Libraries relating to Dwight D Eisenhower, John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson. There are also war resources available for the servicemen of other countries that were involved in Vietnam such as the Australian War Memorial. The Vietnam War resources you want to look at may be determined by what branch of the services your father, or grandfather, was enlisted in. There are specific documents available at the US Air Force Historical Research Agency, the US Army Center of Military History, the US Marine Corps History Division, and the US Navy Historical Center.
The Vietnam War resources can be further sub-divided so that a specific platoon may be researched, e.g. 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, or a specific event, e.g. Hamburger Hill or the Battle of Long Tan.
As with many of the 20th century conflicts the Vietnam War resources are not limited to the written word. As technology has improved over the years, the internet will also yield many audio-visual pieces relating to the news footage of the day, and some personal memories of servicemen.

We are focus on : Vietnam Culture

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